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Семинар EACVI по измерению стрейна правого желудочка и левого предсердия

Добавлено: Вт дек 10, 2019 12:37 pm
Pyankov Vasily
How and why you should measure RV and LA strain according to EACVI/ASE standards and Industry Task Force activities

https://www.escardio.org/Education/E-Le ... +RV+and+LA

After watching the webinar, participants will be able to:
Discuss the recent recommendations from EACVI/ASE/Industry TaskForce regarding the quantification of RV and LA myocardial strain
Learn which parameters to use for clinical purposes
Optimize image acquisition for RV and LA strain analysis
Appraise the clinical value of deformation analysis and its potential pitfalls

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