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Самодиагностика Альцгеймера: who is the prime minister?

Добавлено: Ср июн 10, 2009 9:15 pm
В Британском медицинском журнале опубликованы результаты исследования простого теста для самодиагностики болезни Альцгеймера. Всякий желающий может пройти тест абсолютно анонимно: http://www.bmj.com/cgi/data/bmj.b2030/DC1/1. Если Вы набрали больше 42 очков, то вероятность болезни Альцгеймера у Вас менее 1%.
Self-Administered Memory Test for Dementia Screening

A 10-task test ("Test Your Memory," or TYM) that takes about 5 minutes to perform can detect over 90% of Alzheimer cases, BMJ reports.

Researchers evaluated the test, which is mostly self-administered, in about 100 patients with Alzheimer disease (diagnosed by a consultant neurologist) and 550 normal controls. The tasks are simple and include orientation, copying a sentence, and verbal fluency.

Controls scored an average of 47 on a 50-point scale, while patients with Alzheimer disease scored an average of 33. The authors say TYM's negative predictive value, if the cutoff point is set at 42 or under, is 99%.

An editorialist, praising the work, says TYM "must be validated in a range of settings and different populations." Until then, she writes, clinicians should familiarize themselves with a test "that suits their clinical setting ... to improve the identification of patients with early dementia."